Kanawha Valley Dental Society

Serving the children of Kanawha Valley is extremely rewarding. As a pediatric dentists in the Kanawha Valley, I was honored that they asked me to be the guest speaker to discuss modern trends in my field. What has changed dramatically over the years is how we decide to manage our patients’ behavior for treatment.

Nitrous oxide is widely used by pediatric dentists to help alleviate fear, anxiety, and change your child’s perception of time in order to comfortably guide your child through a dental appointment. Pediatric dentists are performing more oral sedations on kids who need multiple procedures performed and for special cases recommending your child be put to sleep under general anesthesia.

Other changes include the use of Silver Diamine Flouride (SDF) which is a high potency fluoride treatment to actually stop a cavity in its tracks and prevent it from getting bigger. This may a good option for special needs children or toddlers in which treatment may be difficult to perform. Stay tuned for other changes that have occured in our field and if you have a question about a certain topic, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be more than happy to discuss any concerns you may have.

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